Friday, May 31, 2013

Sunrise or Sunset?

Are you a sunrise or a sunset person?

I've been asked this question a few times recently, and I've concluded that I'm definitely a sunset person. I love how the sun hits the trees and grass at the end of the day. That green glow always makes me pause.  

I have a designated spot on the farm that I encourage others to come to and watch the sunset with me. We've named it the "Sunset Tree" because it's a large tree on the western fence line, overlooking our neighbor's hundred acre pasture, with branches that are so long and low that it creates a thick canopy.  And when the sun is setting, it just beckons you to come sit under it and watch the show. I love it and hope to create more of a sitting area there, with a swing and chairs. Maybe a table, too.

I love spots that are made for taking things in. It's sort of my thing.

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