Friday, May 31, 2013

Sunrise or Sunset?

Are you a sunrise or a sunset person?

I've been asked this question a few times recently, and I've concluded that I'm definitely a sunset person. I love how the sun hits the trees and grass at the end of the day. That green glow always makes me pause.  

I have a designated spot on the farm that I encourage others to come to and watch the sunset with me. We've named it the "Sunset Tree" because it's a large tree on the western fence line, overlooking our neighbor's hundred acre pasture, with branches that are so long and low that it creates a thick canopy.  And when the sun is setting, it just beckons you to come sit under it and watch the show. I love it and hope to create more of a sitting area there, with a swing and chairs. Maybe a table, too.

I love spots that are made for taking things in. It's sort of my thing.

Friday, May 3, 2013


This was a couple of months ago, but I just love this picture, so I had to add it. We got a round bale of hay for free from a cattle farming neighbor. We were looking for old hay for garden mulch, and he said he had one we could take because it wasn't feed quality. He even loaded it into our truck for us with his tractor. When we got home, the bale was wedged so tight into the bed, David had to pick it apart a bit before he managed to shove it out.